Wednesday 21 May 2014

A Swing to the Bonkers Party

I confess!  I like politics.

 I love voting; the secret wobbly wooden booths, the big tin box, the tiny pencils on a string. I love sitting up (drifting in and out of consciousness) to watch the results come in.  I like a good graphic; a bar chart, a pie chart and I miss Peter Snow with his impossibly long arms and swingometer.

I love the television; Question Time, Party Political Broadcasts, satire programmes (my teenage years were shaped by Spitting Image).

I am, however, purely an observer.  I would hate to actually do politics; I can't sit through a meeting, I'm terrible at claiming expenses, I can't make decisions and I like my sleep. 

The political parties have stopped speaking to everyday people.  They must have done, or there wouldn't be so many people passionate about UKIP.  I think I've worked out why.  They are all talking about 'hardworking people' and most of us don't want to work hard - we certainly don't want to work any harder than we are already.  Most of us would just like a bit more time off, maybe to go home from work and not think about work.  We're all quite tired and people want someone to blame.   That's where UKIP has been so successful.  They may not be offering us any time off. although their name suggests they are all about afternoon naps but they have delivered the EU and immigrants as scapegoats for everything that is wrong with our lives.  In a perverse kind of way I quite like UKIP.  They have started people talking about politics even if most of it is rubbish.

Today I noticed #WhyImVotingUKIP trending on Twitter. Ironically, UKIP started it but funny people have turned it into something much better.  If you want a laugh then it's definitely worth a look.  These are some that made me laugh:

Because I'm fed up of Siamese cats coming over here and taking our jobs...

Because I don't want those Romans coming over here, building their aqueducts, inventing concrete and sanitation

Because Mr Sheen left smears on my windows and it says on the bottle that he's polish.

Because no one should ever have to endure Strawberries that aren't British.

: because a party led by a public school, Thatcherite, city trader from Kent is definitely anti-establishment.

: because, like the leader , I get a bit racist when I'm tired too.

I can't help reading about the success of UKIP without singing one of my favourite songs from Avenue Q.

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